Dr. Yuqian Lu was awarded the 2023 UoA Early Career Research Excellence Award.

The University acknowledged the value and contribution of researchers and their work at the 2023 Celebrating Research Excellence, Hīkina kia Tutuki, Rise to Meet the Challenge presentation event on 19th October 2023.
The annual event recognises the best work from doctoral candidates to the most senior and honoured researchers. The award winners were announced recently. The presentation ceremony was an opportunity for the University’s research community to celebrate excellence.
The presentation ceremony was hosted by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research Professor Frank Bloomfield at the Sir Owen G Glenn Building, the home of the University’s Business School.
Professor Bloomfield said: “Tonight is an opportunity for us to celebrate and acknowledge the success of our world class researchers. In 2024, the university climbed to a QS ranking of 68th in the world - its best results since 2010 and in no small part driven by the calibre of our research.”
Yuqian Lu was one of the seven researchers recognized under the Early Career Research Excellence category.