Dr. Yuqian Lu Delivers Keynote on Industrial AI at Major Chinese Manufacturing Conference

Dr. Yuqian Lu recently made a significant contribution to a prestigious Chinese academic conference on intelligent manufacturing. The event, titled “2024 China Mechanical Engineering Society Industrial Big Data and Intelligent Systems Branch Academic Annual Conference and the 7th Academic Conference on Big Data-Driven Intelligent Manufacturing,” was held on July 6, 2024, in Dalian, China.

Dr. Lu was one of eight distinguished experts invited to deliver a keynote speech at the conference. His presentation, “Illuminating the Machine Mind: A Quantum Leap in Intelligent Manufacturing,” was well-received by the audience of scholars and industry elites from across China.

The conference, which focused on “high-performance intelligent manufacturing driven by industrial big data,” brought together leading minds in the field to discuss the latest research findings and application prospects of industrial big data and intelligent systems in smart manufacturing.

Dr. Lu’s participation underscores the University of Auckland’s position at the forefront of international research in intelligent manufacturing. His insights into the ‘machine mind’ and its implications for manufacturing processes highlight the potential for quantum advancements in the field. The conference featured a variety of sessions, including keynote speeches, invited talks, and forum discussions. It provided a platform for academics and industry professionals to exchange ideas and explore collaborative opportunities in areas such as industrial big data, intelligent systems, and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Dr. Lu’s contribution to this high-level academic event not only enhances his personal standing in the field but also strengthens the University of Auckland’s reputation as a hub for cutting-edge research in intelligent manufacturing and data-driven technologies.

As global interest in smart manufacturing continues to grow, Dr. Lu’s participation in this conference demonstrates New Zealand’s active role in shaping the future of this critical industry sector.

Talk Abstract

Next-generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are revolutionising human-machine collaboration. This quantum shift in AI capabilities has opened a portal to a world where super-intelligent machines seamlessly integrate with human expertise in the most complex manufacturing environments. Yet, the journey to true machine intelligence in manufacturing is not a mere extension of the AI revolution led by computer scientists. It demands a nuanced, multidisciplinary approach that harmonises technological innovation with industrial intricacies. This talk will explore the driving forces, enabling technologies, and transformative impact of next-generation machine intelligence in manufacturing. We will dive deep into the pioneering work of the Industrial AI Research Group@UoA, unveiling our latest advancements in knowledge understanding, open-source dataset development, machine intelligence algorithm design, and real-world applications.