Towards cyber-physical system intelligent services in cloud manufacturing


One of the biggest challenges for industry implementation of cloud manufacturing is its complexity. Successful implementation of cloud manufacturing requires advanced information modelling of all the entities in the manufacturing value chain. This research focuses on developing an information model for manufacturing resources. Currently, resource information model mainly represents the capability of resources, which lacks information about real-time resource conditions. Considering the advanced functionalities of cyber-physical systems (CPS) in manufacturing, this paper explores further functionalities of data and information from CPS to create intelligent services. First, state-of-the-art research on CPS integration into cloud manufacturing is discussed. Second, the requirements for adopting CPS in cloud manufacturing are explored. Based on these requirements, a three-layer system architecture is proposed. Finally, the paper discusses potential intelligent services that can be developed further. To demonstrate the functionality of the concept, a case study on auto-generating machine tool performances is presented. This information can help empower data-driven truthful service selection in a cloud manufacturing environment. © 2018, Curran Associates Inc. All rights reserved.

Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE
Yuqian Lu
Yuqian Lu
Principle Investigator / Senior Lecturer

My research interests include smart manufacturing systems, industrial AI and robotics.